The participants in the International Congress of the ‘Unions di Populu Corsu’, meeting in Bastia on 17 August 1979,
1. Confirm their unanimous agreement to the European Charter of Peoples Without a State, drawn up in Brussels in preparation for the European elections of June 1979. They believe that the Charter is an antecedent of the future ‘Declaration of the Rights of Peoples’ which they desire to promote, draw up and present to the European institutions and the parliaments of the Member States.
For this purpose they resolve to set up in Brussels a permanent coordination and consultation organization open to all the movements and parties which subscribe to the idea of a Europe of Peoples.
In this context they have already made provision for annual meetings on national peoples’ cultures, and a request is to be made in this connection for cooperation from the Council of Europe.
2. Also draw attention to the continuous violation of the Rights of Man inherent in the repression of Peoples struggling for recognition of their national identity and are resolved to step up their action to gain respect for freedom of political expression and for the ground-rules of democracy.
With this aim they intend to ask all international authorities to ansure that the Member States signatories of the various conventions in this field are obliged to observe those conventions.
3. Express their satisfaction at the important achievement represented by the acquisition by the Basque, Catalan and, before long, Galician peoples of autonomous statutes.
This is an incentive to those peoples which have not made so much progress as regards their own identity, and even more a commitment for all of them to continue their struggle in the context of the Europe of Peoples and international solidarity.
By their presence in Corsica they symbolize the openness and fraternal solidarity of the Mediterranean peoples towards the other peoples of the world which are striving for liberty and dignity.