Aragonese Regionalist Action Manifest addressed to the Aragonese and those who live in Aragon (1918)
Positions. Localism. Regionalism. Nationalism (1919)
Aragonese nationalism (1919)
Basque Country
Draft proposal by Eusko Alkartasuna to expedite a sovereign agreement favouring the independence of Euskal Herria (2009)
Basic Principles of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (1931)
The Catalan Republic (1931)
Proclamation of the Catalan state: Generalitat of Catalonia (1934)
A Question of Names (1962)
Ideological declaration of the Esquerra Republicana of Catalonia (1993)
Partitu di a Nazione Corse - Autunumia (1982)
Nacionalist Assembly of Lugo Manifesto (1918)
Preliminary plan for the Galician Statute (1931)
Galicianist Party. Declaration of principles (1931)
Union of the Galician People (UPG). Minimum 10 principles (1964)
Galician Socialist Party (GSP). Declaration of principles (1974)
Constitutional Terms for the Galician Nation to participate in a federal agreement and a Provisional Galician Government (1976)
Ideological and political basis of the Galician Labour Party (POG) (1977)
Galician Nationalist Bloc. Political and organisational programme (1982)
Charter of cooperation for the construction of a Europe of the nations (1979)
Declaration of Bastia (1979)
Declaration of the Brussels Convention (1981)
Declaration of Brussels on nations and regions in the governance of Europe (2000)
Sovereignty, Social Justice, Subsidiarity. Towards a Europe of diversity (2004)
Declaration of the Space of Collective Rights of Stateless Peoples and Nations for the 2009 World Social Forum Belém (2009)
Global Network for the Collective Rights of Peoples (2010)
The constitution of the Secret Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization (1896)
Circular by which the Ilinden Uprising was proclaimed (1903)
Manifest issued at the first session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Macedonia to the people of Macedonia (1944)
A Voice Crying Out. Transylvania, Banat, the Körös region and Máramaros for the Hungarians! (1921)
Address To the Electors of the University of Wales (1931)
The end of Britishness (1980)
The new Wales
2012-11-27 - The new Wales
2012-11-26 - The end of Britishness
2012-11-22 - Ideological declaration of the Esquerra Republicana of Catalonia
2012-11-22 - A Question of Names
2012-11-22 - Proclamation of the Catalan state: Generalitat of Catalonia, 6th October 1934