A general outline of the principles and objectives that should preside and direct, respectively, the design of a development policy for Galiza and, more specifically, the development of its productive structure, with the vision that has the Galician Council of Political Forces (CFPG).

The democratic bankruptcy happens in Galicia, on the approach of a Galician political alternative. And it is not enough to formulate it in the abstract, is needed to provide it with specific minimum content.

Nation/Region: Galicia

Excerpt from the generated document on the first congress of the Galician Workers Party (POG, Partido Obreiro Galego, in galician language). The POG defines itself as a people’s Marxist, revolutionary party who fights for democracy, the national liberation of Galicia and socialism.

Nation/Region: Galicia

The European Union has to recognise and put into practice "unity in diversity", respecting the reality of its different peoples and, in particular, the stateless nations and regions which have their own languages, history, economic and social characteristics and political aspirations. The European Union has to overcome the centralistic and technocratic mentality and practises of the States that still predominate in the European political arena.

Nation/Region: Europe

EFA-DPPE proposes that, in accordance with the subsidiarity principle and the political and national diversity of the European Union and as outlined in the resolution of the European Parliament of 26 October 2000 on better lawmaking, the amendments made to the Treaties should specifically include recognition of, and respect for, the political and legislative powers of the Member States' internal political units (component nations and nationalities, federated states, autonomous communities, regions) in their executive, legislative and judicial relations with the EU institutions.

Nation/Region: Europe
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 08:17

Declaration of the Brussels Convention


The European Free Alliance is a cooperative association of political parties which, in contrast with established traditional patterns of political thought, advocate a form of integrated regionalism. This concept is based on meaningful interplay between the individual and national identity and is given structural form in a harmonious, democratic decicion-making process on federal lines whereby decicions are taken at het lowest possible level and the greatest importance is attached to individuality. Social justice is one of its fundamental principles.

Nation/Region: Europe
Monday, 17 January 2011 12:52

Preliminary plan for the Galician Statute

The Preliminary plan for the Galician Statut presented by the Seminar of Galician Studies was published on May 6th, 1931. Consisted of 7 chapters and 41 articles. It started from the base of Spain as a federal and state and Galicia as a free state in their midst, and collected Galician as the official language.
Nation/Region: Galicia

The document summarizes in 11 points the ideological and political principles of the GSP, a political organisation that wrestles to covert Galicia into a socialist society, that is, to build a socialist society for all Galician people. We envisage a socialist society as a society without classes, totally democratic, where the real property of productive resources is the people’s creation and more of a heritage, and where political power expresses the majority’s conscious wish and guarantees freedom for everybody. In this paper highlights that Galician people have the right to political self-government, and later, to create the constituent power to formalise political institutions suitable for its self-government.

Nation/Region: Galicia

The political and ideological programme of the recently founded Partido Galeguista, proclaiming Galicia’s right to self-government and demanding a Statute of Autonomy. Among others: anti-imperialism, federalism, international federalism, pacifism.

Nation/Region: Galicia

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