A general outline of the principles and objectives that should preside and direct, respectively, the design of a development policy for Galiza and, more specifically, the development of its productive structure, with the vision that has the Galician Council of Political Forces (CFPG).

The democratic bankruptcy happens in Galicia, on the approach of a Galician political alternative. And it is not enough to formulate it in the abstract, is needed to provide it with specific minimum content.

Nation/Region: Galicia
The foundational manifesto of the Unión do Pobo Galego (UPG) setting out the party’s ideology, political objectives and original belief in the need to form a common front with other organisations.
Nation/Region: Galicia
This document was condensed into the Galician Nationalist Bloc's ideological, political and organisational principles. The structure and even the contents of the foundational manifest tell of the nature of the constituent process which results in the convergence of different political projects.
The manifest is made up by four parts, the first contextualizes the unitary alternative as a necessary and essential tool to achieve nationalist objectives; the second part strengthens the ideological-political principles that define the organization's main foundations, not only operationally but strategically, together with the founders' common principles, which at the same time, make up the organizational unit's sustenance; the third sets out BNG's immediate political objectives starting from the rejection of political reform started in 1975 and principally the Constitution and the autonomous framework. The last part of this document determines the basic organisational principles that will govern BNG's operation, highlighting its assembly-type character and political pluralism.
Nation/Region: Galicia

The document summarizes in 11 points the ideological and political principles of the GSP, a political organisation that wrestles to covert Galicia into a socialist society, that is, to build a socialist society for all Galician people. We envisage a socialist society as a society without classes, totally democratic, where the real property of productive resources is the people’s creation and more of a heritage, and where political power expresses the majority’s conscious wish and guarantees freedom for everybody. In this paper highlights that Galician people have the right to political self-government, and later, to create the constituent power to formalise political institutions suitable for its self-government.

Nation/Region: Galicia

Instead of a monolithic and centrally-governed Europe we propose a Europe of the peoples, in which all peoples are equal and work freely together. These peoples should have the sovereign right to decide independently on their accession to international agreements. Every nation in the world has the right to self-government, the right to preserve and develop its own identity and cultural heritage. Every nation must be able to decide on its own system of government.

Nation/Region: Europe

The National Executive of Eusko Alkartasuna elected at the Congress of June 2009 promised to analyse the political situation and create a plan with support from members, sympathisers and representatives from university, culture and other Basque social areas. On 21st November 2009, the General Secretary of EA, Pello Urizar, presented in Donostia the "Draft proposal by Eusko Alkartasuna to expedite a sovereign agreement favouring the independence of Euskal Herria".

It is directed at all social independentist political parties, it favours unity of action in a strategic convergence based on defending the Basque people’s right to decide with the aim of achieving a new legal-political framework, as the only way of finding a permanent solution to the conflict, achieving peace and political normalisation.

By overcoming separatism and fragmentation of Basque nationalism, joining forces will allow the social reality of the abertzale majority to be transferred to the institutions, distorted by the Law of Political Parties, and achieve the complete sovereignty of Euskal Herria exclusively through peaceful means.

On a short to medium term it encourages a vast popular movement, strengthens international relations, studies proposals that will allow social authentication of the independentist sovereign convergence and democratically force the French and Spanish governments to recognise Euskal Herria.

Nation/Region: Basque Country

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